So this morning I've decided to blog while supervising a major clean out of the upstairs. My children have their bedrooms and bathroom up there and I barely go up. It is all I can do to keep the downstairs somewhat presentable and it just depresses me to head up there, so I avoid it. I do however, need to go up about once a week or so to make sure it is a healthy and safe environment for my kiddos (I will admit that the environment up there can be questionable.) So today I've decided will be the big purge, gotta get rid of some stuff to make it easy for them to clean and keep organized.
It is a couple hours later and really, not a lot has been accomplished. I did have a bit of a revelation though. I have no business blogging and not being up there with them because I don't know how to delegate. I think it is interesting that my husband thinks I'm pretty bossy but I don't have the slightest clue how to oversee projects. I should be upstairs with Lily telling her how to sort and what to do, but the truth is...I do not know how to start and where to put anything so I end up making her try to figure it out. Just do it Lily, get it cleaned...this is a did it get this way?
As a child I had very little direction. I remember spending hours in my room "cleaning it." Really, all I did was shuffle things back and forth. Great way to spend a summer afternoon :( I didn't know what to do with it the stuff. It didn't come naturally to me how to organize or prioritize so that I could accomplish anything. This trait has definitely spilled into my adulthood and I'm afraid it is rubbing off on my children.
Half way through 34...I still feel like a child, stuck in my room, trying to figure out what to do with the mess that is life. Honestly, the only way I know how to feel organized is to get rid of stuff. I don't think that is such a bad trait. There are so many things I hold onto as an adult, wanting to sort through...thinking it may serve a purpose one day. Not just material things. I also have things like memories of past hurt and nasty words that have been said to me. I guess if I decided I want to hold on to that junk, then I will have to find a place for it to go in my life. So, if I choose to keep piling it on the surface, than the useful space underneath will never serve a good purpose. It is that way with my children's room. If I keep that broken car or the ratty haired doll, it might cover up the pretty space that my children could have to play in.
Ok, it is 2:35pm. Larry will be home in 3 hours and I need to get this project done before he gets here. I guess I need to get up there and give Lily some direction so that she isn't spending hours shuffling junk and so that she can learn some useful tools for the future. Hopefully, she will be a step ahead of me when she is 34. I do know though, that when she gets stuck as an adult, I will be there for her. I'll come in and happily help her sort through stuff, just like I need to be doing now.
This is my afternoon prayer: Lord, when the temple was being built, you put your spirit into the workers and gave them supernatural abilities to build and carve and sculpt. I ask now, that you give me a little bit of that. I know you are the great architect and that you can give me the direction I lack to get my girls room clean. Need focus and strength for the next couple hours. Thank you, your servant...Barbra